Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Juliette Gordon Low

I found this article today. For the celebration of our 100th Birthday Madame Toussads will be making a wax figure of Mrs. Low. See the article here.

I hope to someday see this.

Faithful Leader

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Friday afternoon me and my co-leaders checked out our troop from school at 2pm. We took a road trip to Little Rock for the 100th Birthday celebration of Girl Scouts.

They were happy just to get out of school an  hour early.
The event was held at the Clinton Presidential Library.
Year of the Girl 2012

Saturday morning we got there at 7:30 am waiting for the events to begin.

Old train bridge converted into the trail system.

Morning Flag Ceremony
Girl Scouts Diamonds of Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas

Girl Scout History Exhibit at the Presidential Library

Touring the Library

Bridge walk into the next century of Girl Scouts

Team Building activity

We even had a special Juliette Gordon Low look alike to lead us into the next century.

We had a break in the afternoon so we took a trolley into Little Rock to see the Duck March at the Peabody Hotel

These ducks march into the fountain at 11am each day and march out at 5pm each day. Girl Scouts were the honorary Duck Masters for the weekend.  This was so cool to see.

We walked back to the Library because our trolley stops at 5:45 each evening. The celebration continued that night until 10:30 with crafts, food, dancing, games and movies.
We stayed until about 8pm. I was so exhausted, I wish I had worn a pedometer to see just how many steps we took. We really walked all the live long day. We got back to the hotel and the girls played truth or dare and mash. They enjoy just hanging out together more than anything.
Sunday activities were supposed to be at the nature center for a service project but the forecast was 80% chance of rain. Instead they made Sunday a girls only program of showing a movie about Going Green. Our girls did their Bronze Award project on recycling so they voted to sleep in and come home early. We stopped at Taco Bell for lunch at got home at 3:15pm.