For our 2nd cadette meeting this year we planned out our year. All meetings, trips, etc. I took all the badges, places the girls want to go, my own ideas and more put them on post it notes. Stuck them all over the room and let the girls put stars on the ones they want to do. Then we started with the one with the highest number of stars and put them on the calendar. We were able to fill 90% of our meetings, community events, holiday events and service unit annual events.
The girls chose them all, they are all becoming better at leading. I was missing 3 girls so they will have to live with what the other 4 chose for the year.
At the end of last year we started having each girl lead one badge for the troop. We only made it through one New Cuisines and we need to finish the last 2 requirements. Most of the girls have been excited about this.
I added a couple of "theme meetings" like pajama night, backwards night and western night where we will wear pjs to our meeting, conduct our meeting from end to beginning. Even at 13-14 they thought these would be fun.
We also have all the girls working on there Silver Award projects. Looking forward to seeing how these work out.