Sunday, October 7, 2012

Service Project

I have chosen Operation Christmas Child supported by Samaritans Purse as our October Service Project. You can go here for more information. There are collection sites all over the country.
My family has done this every year for several years now. I love choosing items and thinking about the little girls or boys that will receive them. I have tried to promote it in our troop but usually just 2 or 3 participate. This year I will be giving each girl one item and she will have to get 8 of that item. We will fill 8 boxes, one for each girl in the troop. The troop will purchase the fillers.
Here is a list of items that we will put in our boxes.
Bar soap
toothbrush and toothpaste
crayons, coloring book, pencils, notepad
hard candy
doll, ball, jumprope
hair brush, hair tyes
I will add little things I can pick up at the dollar spot or dollar store. We will use the plastic shoe boxes from Walmart that are .97 cents each. That way they have a sturdy box to keep. We will also include a letter and photo in each box.
It will be a fun meeting filling boxes and discussing how we are doing a good turn!!

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